Atlas the cylinder head gasket company
Cylinder Head Gaskets, Seals and Coopers Rings Specialists

Coopers Rings

Coopers Rings from Atlas

The Coopers rings are designed to fit a machined groove, around each bore, in the cylinder block.  The sealing rings are made from a combination of plain and corrugated stainless or tinplated steel laminations which are encased in a stainless steel or steel alloy outer shell

The manufacture of the rings is highly critical; each engine requires a “tailored” ring construction to ensure that a balanced loading is maintained across the bores.

Coopers rings have been used in racing engines produced by Vanwall, BRM, Coventry Climax, Jaguar, Cosworth, Ford, Ferrari and Alfa Romeo.

They are also used on high performance motor cycle engines and heavy duty diesel engines.

Each engine requires an individual design. A successful design will depend on the correct combination of metal specification for the casing and rings, and the thickness, number and positioning of the plain and corrugated rings which will vary according to the bolt loading and bolt positions on each engine.

At Atlas, we have been involved in the development and production of Coopers Rings for a wide range of applications for many years.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, please contact us.

Stockist of cylinder head gaskets for classic cars, tractors, marine & stationary engines